The Iris recognition is based on visible (via regular and/or infrared light) qualities of the iris. A primary visible characteristic is the trabecular meshwork (permanently formed by the 8th month of gestation), a tissue which gives the appearance of dividing the iris in a radial fashion. Other visible characteristics include rings, furrows, freckles, and the corona, to cite only the more familiar.
Iris-Scan Applications
Iris-scan technology has traditionally been deployed in high-security employee-facing physical access implementations, although 2002 saw a number of novel, high-profile iris-scan deployments in new applications. Iridian - the technology's primary developer - is dedicated to moving the technology to the desktop, and has had some success in small-scale logical access deployments. The most prominent recent deployments of iris-scan technology have been passenger authentication programs at airports in the U.S., U.K., Amsterdam, and Iceland; the technology is also used in corrections applications in the U.S. to identify inmates. A number of developing countries are considering iris-scan technology for national ID and other large-scale 1:N applications, although to date it is still believed that the largest deployed Iridian database spans under 100,000 enrollees. Notable iris-scan applications include the following.
Project Description Location Vertical Sector Horizontal Application Application Description Additional Description
Iris in Pakistan Pakistan Government Civil ID Tracking Afghan refugees receive assistance package on first enrollment through UNHCR
Iris Pilot - Logan US-MA Travel and Transportation Phys Acc/T&A Physical Access Iris piloted for employee access to security office (LG3000)
JFK Iris Pilot US-NY Travel and Transportation Phys Acc/T&A Physical Access 1 door to tarmac protected
City Hospital of Bad Reichenhall in Bavaria Germany Health care Phys Acc/T&A Physical Access Access control to infant center to prevent kidnappings
Singapore Border Crossing Singapore Government Travel and Transportation Physical Access 50k day workers enter Singapore from Malaysia daily by motorcycle. Iris-scan does 1:N
UK Passport Office Iris Pilot UK Government Civil ID Passport Opt-in pilot to test iris acceptance, part of 6-mo public comment period
Venerable Bede (UK) School - Iris UK Education Retail/ATM/POS POS 900-pupil school to use Iridian for library check-out and cafeteria payment